Source code for xbmcswift2


    A micro framework to enable rapid development of XBMC plugins.

    :copyright: (c) 2012 by Jonathan Beluch
    :license: GPLv3, see LICENSE for more details.
from types import ModuleType

class module(ModuleType):
    '''A wrapper class for a module used to override __getattr__. This class
    will behave normally for any existing module attributes. For any attributes
    which do not existi in in the wrapped module, a mock function will be
    returned. This function will also return itself enabling multiple mock
    function calls.

    def __init__(self, wrapped=None):
        self.wrapped = wrapped
        if wrapped:

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        '''Returns any existing attr for the wrapped module or returns a mock
        function for anything else. Never raises an AttributeError.
            return getattr(self.wrapped, name)
        except AttributeError:
            def func(*args, **kwargs):
                '''A mock function which returns itself, enabling chainable
                function calls.
                log.warning('The %s method has not been implented on the CLI. '
                            'Your code might not work properly when calling '
                            'it.', name)
                return self
            return func

    import xbmc
    import xbmcgui
    import xbmcplugin
    import xbmcaddon
    CLI_MODE = False
except ImportError:
    CLI_MODE = True

    import sys
    from logger import log

    # Mock the XBMC modules
    from mockxbmc import xbmc, xbmcgui, xbmcplugin, xbmcaddon, xbmcvfs
    xbmc = module(xbmc)
    xbmcgui = module(xbmcgui)
    xbmcplugin = module(xbmcplugin)
    xbmcaddon = module(xbmcaddon)
    xbmcvfs = module(xbmcvfs)

from import TimedStorage
from xbmcswift2.request import Request
from xbmcswift2.common import (xbmc_url, enum, clean_dict, pickle_dict,
    unpickle_args, unpickle_dict, download_page, unhex)
from xbmcswift2.constants import SortMethod, VIEW_MODES
from xbmcswift2.listitem import ListItem
from xbmcswift2.logger import setup_log
from xbmcswift2.module import Module
from xbmcswift2.urls import AmbiguousUrlException, NotFoundException, UrlRule
from xbmcswift2.xbmcmixin import XBMCMixin
from xbmcswift2.plugin import Plugin

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